Media play a key role in a democratic society and should respond to the urgent global challenges of the digital age. Media should also be a powerful force in anticipating, analysing and responding to those human rights abuses which result from the use of modern technology. However, due to the absence of adequate training both at the university level and on-the-job professional development, this essential skill is lacking among journalists, with a consequent impact on public awareness and understanding of this problem.
In an interdisciplinary consortium of Czech educational, academic, and nonprofit entities together with a Norwegian partner, we seek to change this by increasing the ability of educational institutions and media to address this burning issue. Initially, we will present the results of our base-line research with journalists and vulnerable groups at our first conference and use them to design and implement a one-semester course for journalism students at the Charles University Faculty of Social Sciences.
We will, thus, introduce the first long-term educational module in the Czech Republic focused on eliminating discrimination and human rights abuses, while originating and distributing media content produced by journalists in the field of modern technologies and their use. The course will give birth to a series of online training sessions and guidelines for journalists. Both will be used at universities and within the media in the Czech Republic and in Norway and presented at our second conference. With this project, we aim to increase long-term awareness of the impact of technology on human rights in the journalistic community, educational institutions, and the general public.
Research among journalists
Research performed in the Czech Republic on the impact of modern technologies on human rights. The results of the research in the Czech are available HERE.
The colloquium titled “Media and Human Rights in the Digital Era” was organized on 24 October 2022. Videos, results, and presentations are available HERE.
One-semester educational course
The educational materials in Czech titled “Journalism in the Digital Era with a Human Face” are available HERE.
Guidebook for journalists
The guidebook titled “A Digital Era with a Human Face” is available both in CZECH and in ENGLISH.
The international symposium titled “A Digital Era with a Human Face” was organized on 1 December 2023. Videos, presentations and other results are available HERE.
Online course
1. Úvodní slovo | Introduction
2. Éra digitalizace a budoucnost redakcí | Digitalization Era and the Future of Newsrooms
3. Digitální vyloučení v praxi | Digital Exclusion in Practice
4. Dopad technologií a digitalizace na osoby se speciálními potřebami | Impact of technologies and digitalization on people with special needs
5. Média a lidé se speciálními potřebami | Media and people with special needs
6. Kyberbezpečnost pro novináře a novinářky | Cybersecurity for journalists
7. Když mohou novináři ublížit | When journalists cause harm
8. Umělá inteligence, personalizace a ochrana soukromí | AI, personalization and privacy protection
9. Umělá inteligence a její implementace v médiích veřejné služby | AI in public service media
10. Závěrečné slovo | Concluding remarks